What Is A Flat Top Machine At A Casino?

Fortunate Buddha Slots

Ever heard of a flat top machine? This may be a term you've never encountered before, and yet there are good odds that you've played a few in your time in casinos. They are to be found in regular casinos and in virtual ones, so they are far from being unknown.

A flat top machine is a slot machine that is as basic as it gets. This means you will very likely see three reels and just the one payline in play. You won't get a progressive jackpot attached to these flat top slots either. The jackpot is always attached to one symbol on the machine if you get three of them on the payline. There are no bonuses, free spins, or scatters involved either. You might get a wild, but that is about it. You might also hear these slot machines referred to as straight slots because they're straightforward and offer nothing unusual for players to look for.