97 Percent of Americans Want Legal Online Gambling, Says Poll

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No one has tried harder than Barney Frank to fully legalize online gambling in the U.S. but this has stirred up the great debate. A poll conducted by leading American news magazine U.S. News & World Report asked whether or not Americans really wanted online gambling legalized, or whether this was simply an issue manufactured by the politicians. The result was an astounding 97 percent that were in favor when asked the question, "Should Online Gambling Be Legalized?"

Reliable Poll

There were no inaccuracies in this poll since it was conducted by a reputable leading news magazine. It was clear that there really is a consensus out there on both a national and international level. Quite frankly, the American citizens are sick and tired of the government restricting their online activities. Some 91 percent have spoken and want lawmakers to overturn the disastrous UIGEA regulations once and for all.

Americans Want it

It is expected that this will occur and when it does online gaming affiliates in the U.S. and abroad can most likely expect to see a surge in revenue that will probably be unlike anything this industry has ever seen before. Other online surveys have indicated that Americans believe that the economy will get an important boost if online poker and gambling were to become legal. 125,000 U.S. citizens were polled and asked what they believe that the President's priorities should be, as defined by the public he serves.

Suggestions to the President

The number one suggestion was to Boost America's Economy with Legal Online Poker followed closely by "Restore Net Neutrality Protections to the Internet." Let online poker players in the United States play legally and without fear of prosecution," the report quotes a voter's opinion. The boost to the economy would come with letting American companies and American players make money and pay taxes instead of sending online poker businesses offshore.