Bonus Features

Don’t you just love bonuses in slot games? They are among the best parts of these games you can find, and while you are not guaranteed to trigger them, oftentimes they will trigger eventually.

But how many bonuses are good to get? We thought we’d look at that very topic to see what we can find out.

Bonuses make the whole game more appealing

Isn’t this the whole idea? Even the best game can get dull and repetitive after a while if it only presents you with the main game and nothing else to shoot for. Most players would agree they prefer games that include bonuses to look for as well.

A second-screen bonus provides variety

While a bonus might be offered by way of some free spins, the best bonuses are arguably those that take you onto a second screen. This means you leave the reels behind and perform some action on another screen. This is usually tied into the main theme.

For example, the Cool Stone Age slot from Pragmatic Play has you driving a Stone Age car in search of prizes. This is just one example – there are plenty more. It opens the game world to a much bigger place, and that is a great thing to know.

More bonuses mean a game is worth playing for longer

We love games featuring a bonus, but we prefer those that have two, three, or even more bonuses on offer. Consider the Asgard slot game, for instance. This has a standard free spin feature to trigger. However, the second time you trigger it, you play a different version. This continues until four versions have been played. Wouldn’t you be tempted to continue playing for longer, just so you could get to the bigger and better versions of that bonus feature?

Again, it is just one example of how lots of bonus elements in a slot game make the entire game more worthwhile. We play for prizes, of course, but we also play to be entertained. That is a big part of choosing a good game and choosing one we like the look of, too. If you’re unsure which slot game to play, perhaps it would be best to pick one that offers more than one bonus feature. If you intend to play it for a while, you may be glad you picked one like this.